Thursday, February 18, 2010


The greatest relationships are the ones you never expected to be in. The ones that swept you off your feet and changed your every view. The ones where you found yourself to be a better person because of who you were when she was around. The ones that made you wake up with a smile on your face no matter how corny it was. The ones that made everything right when it was wrong. The ones that caused you physical pain to leave because leaving meant losing a part of yourself.
The greatest relationships are the ones you’ll always remember not because of their length, but because of who you were with. The ones where the memories make you want to laugh when you’re crying. The ones that make you believe that God exists, because no one else could have created someone so amazing. The ones where you know you’re being honest with yourself, so much it hurts.
The greatest relationships are  the ones where you were comfortable around her because you knew she’d love you no matter what. The ones where love seemed to be the only answer. The ones where you accepted what she did because you just wanted to see her happy.
The greatest relationships are the ones that changed your life. The ones that made you rethink your future because you knew it’d be better with her. The ones that made you question the ending. The ones where you broke your heart and her for her own good, even when you couldn’t explain without breaking a rule.
The greatest relationships are the ones where you care more about her happiness than you do about your own. The ones where you do what you do for her future, even if it means wrecking your present. The ones where you tell yourself to walk in the opposite direction, because you know there are just some things you can’t do. The ones when you cry not because it’s over, but because you know you lost not only her, but your best friend too.
The greatest relationships are the ones where you’ll thank her for being a part of your life, no matter how short. The ones where you’ll never forget her because she helped shape your view on love. The ones where your last tribute to her was doing something he never thought you’d do - and loving it.
The greatest relationships are the ones where you’ll always love her, even when she’s forgotten all about you. The ones where you’re changed forever because of her. The ones that you will always smile about because while they were flawed, they were still amazing. The ones where you fought what you knew was going to happen because you couldn’t quite come to terms with losing her. The ones that remind you love lost is better than never having loved at all.

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